Agoras - mercado inteligente descentralizado - Tau Chain

March’s Tau Business Update and AMA video is now live!

Business Update and AMA (Episode 45):

:movie_camera: Tau Intelligent Social Network | Business update | March 2022 (Ep 45) - YouTube :point_left:

:small_blue_diamond:Applying for speakers positions at upcoming blockchain conferences

:small_blue_diamond:Final refinements made to the new website.

:small_blue_diamond:New interactive website in early planning stage.

:small_blue_diamond:Tau Webinar in the works

:small_blue_diamond:Finalised Tau article edits large publication ask for. To be published soon.

:trophy: Community member of the month: Andrew

March’s #Tau Dev Update!

(Episode 46):

:movie_camera: Tau Intelligent Social Network | Development update | March 2022 (Ep 46) - YouTube :point_left:


:small_blue_diamond:Ohad has been working on taking the logic we’ve developed into a software specification language. One of the directions was to study infinite systems of boolean versions. On this front, we’ve made a significant breakthrough. We’ve had a positive result, and it appears to be the direction to go in. It’s given the answers to the questions we were looking for and will be considered in the bigger picture.

:small_blue_diamond:Juan is continuing the effort of integrating Umar’s work on the tag system and Bit Universe.

  • Refactoring the entire TML codebase with Ohad to accomplish this.

  • Revisiting safety checks, guards, program transformations, strings, and grammar processing.

:small_blue_diamond:Tomas has finished his work on the early parser and has made it Unicode capable

:small_blue_diamond:Umar has started the challenging task of Binary optimization forest generation in the case of highly ambiguous grammar. With help from Ohad, he’s making progress.

:small_blue_diamond:David has finished fact generation and made additional changes. He’s also working on the TML parser and removing the possibility of negation of facts. He’s also working on grouping the different optimizations for TML programs. With a PhD himself, he’s contributing on the theoretical front in the academic panel discussions.

:small_blue_diamond:Lucca has been assigned theoretical work to show decidability of theories can be done by encoding using second-order logic over finite binary trees.

:small_blue_diamond:Agoras Live bug fixing. Testing has begun. Andrei added further login improvements using popular wallet API integrations.

3 Me gusta

Ya marcha la nueva web :smiley:

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Y a la vez se publica artículo

2 Me gusta

Alguien sabe como pasar IDNI Agoras Token que van sobre protocolo OMNI (Direcciones BTC) a una dirección ERC20 de ETH. Me he echo una cuenta en ProBit Global pero no me da opción de mandarlos a una dirección OMNI.

Me respondo: WhiteBIT admite los dos protocolos.

3 Me gusta

Parece que se movió Agoras!LLeva un X3 en apenas 10 dias.Con éste “parece” mini boom de las IA(Fetch,SingularityNET,Ocean,Phoenix Global,Cortex) Agoras se podria sumar perfectamente con su más avanzada “logical AI”.Algunos dirán que no tiene casi volumen y se puede mover su precio muy fácilmente pero SNX era así a principios de 2019 y se terminó marcando un 800X en apenas 2 años.

Si pero ágoras ya tiene más historia que snx…snx se podría meter en el saco de holo, Matic , theta… Ágoras lleva a vueltas desde 2016.

Agoras además tiene una historia parecida a nem, iota, dash… El momento de snx, holo, theta fue 2021, el momento de las otras fue 2017, 2018.

Pero si sigue en mínimos históricos y por debajo de la ICO, yo también quiero que suba pero ese x1000 no lo veo ni por asomo…

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Vaya pumpeo épico, alguien me puede decir qué narices está pasando con TauChain?

Bajo mi ignorancia profunda del aspecto técnico yo apostaria a que nadie contaba con que Tau fuera a lograr alcanzar algún tipo de producto funcionable después de 8 años de desarrollo,y después del último update de hace 4 dias se ha visto que si que están muy cerca y,por lo tanto,ha pillado a mucha gente “desprevenida”::point_right: más o menos después de éste update se ha marcado un X5 en apenas 4 dias.

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Publicado en el grupo de Telegram hace unas pocas horas: “: Tau’s Groundbreaking Patent for Decentralized Governance and Bot-Proof Security

:rocket: Big News for the Tau Community! :rocket:

We are thrilled to announce a major milestone in Tau Net’s journey towards creating a secure, decentralized AI network. Tau has recently secured a provisional patent titled “A Method and System for Arbitrary Attestation to Anonymous Internet Users.” This patent is a game-changer for decentralized governance and security on our network.

Impact of This Patent on Tau Net:

Enhanced User Verification: The system introduced in the patent enables the verification of user information while maintaining anonymity, crucial for genuine community-driven governance.

Robust Governance Framework:

The patented system underpins Tau Net’s governance, ensuring democratic, transparent decision-making that mirrors the community’s true consensus.

Bot Influence Prevention:

Addressing a key concern in decentralized networks, this patent ensures robust verification processes, safeguarding against bot-driven manipulation or control.

Real-World Applications:

The system allows users to get various claims verified, like professional credentials, which can be linked to their digital identities, enhancing trust in online interactions.

User Empowerment with Privacy:

The patent respects user privacy, not requiring personal information to be linked to public keys, thus empowering users in the network’s governance while protecting their identity.

What’s Next:

This provisional patent is a leap forward in our commitment to a truly decentralized, user-governed AI network. It lays the foundation for a system where users can confidently engage, contribute, and steer the network, free from concerns of centralized control or bot interference.

Stay connected for more updates as we continue pushing the boundaries of decentralized AI technology. Together, we are not just building a network; we’re pioneering the future of decentralized governance.

:globe_with_meridians: Discover more about Tau Net and Agoras and read the full patent details here: Tau Net Provisional Patent - A Method and System for Arbitrary Attestation to Anonymous Internet Users.pdf - Google Drive

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¿Este ATH de hoy no cuenta? :laughing:

EDIT: Si eliminas el comentario con tu encuesta del ATH mi comentario queda sin sentido ¿nadie vota? Poco interés. De todas formas ya estamos rozando los 3 usd, a 2,99 esta ahora mismo en probit no creo que tarde en tocar el máximo de 3,6. Suerte a todos. :wave: :wave:

2 Me gusta

Esa encuesta ya quedó desfasada.Ahora la encuesta deberia preguntar si Agoras se convertirá en unicornio a lo largo de 2024.

3.45 hace un momento. Parece que despertó de verdad. A ver si hay suerte en este año que entra.

:bell: :bell: :bell: :bell: :bell: :bell: :bell: :bell:

El ATH que comentabas…

1 me gusta

Mira que la vi hace tiempo y no entré jajaja. Pero para que se haga esa subida en un mes tiene que haber pasado algo no?