Jinn (computación ternaria)

Sorry for the delay in update, a forum bug made it impossible for me to login. Thankfully VanBreuk fixed it.

I will just go ahead and assume semibaron is joking and trolling, so I wont respond further to that.

Now for the updates:

Let’s start with the negatives:

  1. Crypto keeps crashing, which means our resources keep diminishing. This is completely out of our control as the only alternative would be to convert everything to fiat which would be regulatory hell + taxes and fees which would pretty much cancel out any benefit. This is just the nature of crypto. We pay pretty much all Jinn members in bitcoin, which has been effortless and great, but the volatility has been harsh. I prepared for this from early on by not overextending. There has been plenty of times where hiring another couple of devs and engineer would have been awesome, but it would put the project at risk of faltering when the funds would have dried up. Slow and steady wins the race.

  2. One of our devs (the one that has been in charge of compiler) has had a series of unfortunate events in his life that has made him unable to deliver results on milestones. This situation is being remedied as we reached an agreement where we will find another person to take over maintenance and development of the compiler. However the compiler has been finishes (still bugs to iron out) and he is hard at work on the tutorial, which will make the job of getting up to date for the new guy 10times easier and faster. The good news here is that as soon as the bugs are ironed out, everyone can start experimenting. The tutorial is written to be as easy as possible for laymen and newcommers to programming to increase the userbase and lower entry barrier as much as possible.


For the processor itself everything is pretty much the same, except further along, as is the case with research and development. Our professors are working on formulas and theory, our engineers are making components and the developers are producing code. Like I have said since early on there are no super exciting updates in the r&d period. This is just nature of r&d. We are making progress in every area and at the end of September we will have our first hardware components for testing back from MOSIS. That is what we are really excited about, as this will be the first true test that’ll enable us to start making some predictions on how long it’ll be before we can have a fully functional physical prototype.

Website has been done for awhile now, so as soon as that tutorial is finished and the major bugs ironed out (we’re talking days) everything will go from stealth to public, active and ready to roll.

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En Slack:
Quote from: John_Paul on Today at 04:30:37 PM
Even though you made them millionaires they will come back to ask more after they blow their fortunes.

What a funny coincidence, I’m planning to made them millionaires again. Check my post history next month to find the announcement thread if you want to watch this.

Post de usuario en nxtforum:
being more clear

CFB is posting on BTC forum again; in one argument, he posted the exchange I quoted above. That is, he believes he is working on a project (that will be announced next month) that will make his supporters rich. I am speculating that this is JINN. But it could be that he is back working on his former project also.

Since he is posting more on forum and back hunting trolls (and trolling himself), I am implying that his work load has dropped in recent weeks - he seems confident and relaxed, so this means the project is probably giving him confidence. If JINN was failing apart, his mood and posts would probably reflect that stress.

Post de Triangle:
Crypto-speculators will speculate…

If something drastic happened that changed anything substantially we would obviously be 100% open about it like we’ve been all along. What CfB is talking about is a sub-project tied to Jinn. Or rather it’s a technology that will increase adoption of Jinn. We are planning a big update very soon, at the moment 2 whitepapers are being written.

3 Me gusta


Un poco extraño que una moneda sin bloques esté ligada a un hardware de computación ternaria no? ¿Qué tiene que ver lo que dice CFB en el hilo de DagCoin con Jinn? https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1177633.0

Qué pensáis del update de jinn?


Ya se ha subido en el post de IOTA, pero lo cuelgo en este también ya que es el del asset…

A mi me parece un poco rara la actualización, sin comentar nada del propio proyecto y simplemente dando una salida fácil a todo aquel que quiera deshacerse de sus jinn y provocando una bajada de casi el 50%. No sé qué pensar. O está jodida la cosa y se lavan las manos, o de verdad reciben muchas críticas y comentarios por los tiempos y dicen “esto es lo que hay, si te gusta bien, si no, aquí tienes la oportunidad para salirte…”

Yo tampoco sé realmente si cambiar mis JINN por IOTA, puesto que además la oferta es para todos tus JINN, no sólo una parte :weary:

Quizás lo más inteligente/rentable sea hacer lo que indica #Criptonauta: intercambiarlos en la IPO de IOTA y, en todo caso, recomprarlos más adelante, pero tengo muchas dudas.

Iota se lanzará el próximo día 25 a las 3 de la tarde, hora española.
Hasta ese día no se harán públicos los detalles para la conversión entre JINN a IOTA.

Crowdsale of IOTA will begin on November 25th at 2 PM UTC.

All details re: JINN:IOTA conversion will come on Wednesday



We are happy to finally be able to share the details surrounding the JINN to IOTA conversion. The JINN tokens will be locked at the fixed value of 0.0063 BTC, the reasoning behind this is that we offer this conversion primarily for those that did not understand what they bought when they bought JINN. This was the value on the time of the sale and thus ensures that absolutely no one lost anything on their purchase of JINN tokens. This is what is important to us. We are extremely grateful for everyone that supported and continue to support both the JINN and IOTA project and hope that this offering will alleviate the concerns tied to the high risk and bumpy timeline of the experimental hardware world!

Status of Jinn:

Like promised here is a general update of the Jinn project. We are still in full development with our team working hard. We finally received the hardware components from manufacturing at the end of October and started testing as soon as we got them. Two engineers have been testing them and the results are both encouraging and frustrating. On one hand the ternary circuits work fine, but on the other the asynchronous is showing a problem. We’re now hard at work to solve this problem and will do another manufacturing run soon. But this is hardware. This means another 3-4 months until we know if the components work or not, there is a good reason on our end to be encouraged by some of the results and subsequent discoveries, but the intricacies are way too complex to explain here, not to mention premature. A full update will come post-IOTA sale. The reason for this is simple: the JINN to IOTA conversion is meant for those who do not want to be in the hardware speculation game.

Back to IOTA

If you are unfamiliar with what this completely new kind of crypto is all about head over to www.iotatoken.com to get an introduction.

This is the only official crowdsale of IOTA that there will ever be. This is it, in its entirety. There is absolutely no premine or presale to exclusive and privileged investors of any kind. Everyone is equal and has the same opportunity. So if you want to get ahold of iotas from day 1 and be part of writing a new chapter in crypto and IoT, this is your one chance.

How to swap your JINN for IOTA and collect your iotas

Step 1: Simply deposit your JINN tokens to this address:


Step 2:

Collect iota via collect.iotatoken.com after the sale ends. We’ll require that you send the string from atoi.exe from the same account that you deposited from to prove your ownership.


999 999 999 iotas is up for sale.
This amount will be distributed between the buyers proportionate to their individual purchase sum. E.G. if your purchase sum make up 5% of the total sum of all purchases, you will get 5% of all the iotas for sale.

Accepted currencies


JINN tokens locked at a fixed value of 0.0063 BTC per token. Previously we planned to have a limit on only allowing this swap for people who held JINN prior to a certain block, due to popular demand we now retracted this and everyone that holds JINN is free to swap for IOTA!

Duration and schedule

Duration: 27 days.
Date: 25th November at 2 PM UTC - December 21st 11:59 PM UTC.


Pioneer 15% more iotas.

9 days from 25 November - 3 December at 2 PM UTC

Early adopter 7.5% more iotas

9 days from 3 December - 12 December at 2 PM UTC

Slightly-less-but-still-very-early adopter

9 days from 12 December - 21 December at 11.59 PM UTC

Purpose of the crowdsale

Development. The crowdsale funds will be used for further development and finalization of the IOTA software as well as development of the Jinn hardware processor which will strengthen and help bootstrap the network in its growing phase. Additionally funds will be used on marketing efforts to help nurture the growth of the IOTA network and community.

Prevent hoarding whales from stifling the project. If the tokens had not been sold but instead distributed through a sign-up scheme or mining of some sort, centralization would inevitably arise and usage of sybil type strategies would cheat the system.

Kickstart the ecosystem. As these tokens exist in limited quantity and every single one of them is sold in this exclusive crowdsale, it is imperative that the people who end up with them value their utility and functionality in such a manner that they have an incentive keep them useful and valuable. This is absolutely vital for organic growth of IOTA.

Pues según coinmarketcap.com, en estos momentos la relación JINN / Bitcoin (0.0083) es superior al precio de canje que están ofreciendo (0.0063)… :confused:

Sí, han puesto que el precio elegido es el del valor de JINN cuando se realiz ló la IPO, para que nadie pierda nada sobre su inversión inicial.

Hasta que no lancen completamente iota no tendremos una actualización en el estado del proyecto. Ya por agosto comentaban que el compilador estaba listo, a falta de depurar algunos errores, y la web preparada. Como comentas, en el momento que saquen una actualización positiva, teniendo en cuenta que sólo el 5% está repartido en holders y no los van a soltar fácilmente, con el impulso que pueda coger de iota el precio se puede disparar fácilmente.
Aunque con la medida de tiempos que tiene esta gente, lo mismo debería aceptar la apuesta!!

1 me gusta

Qué estás tramando CfB?


1 me gusta

La que liaron diciendo que la gente especulaba con comentarios en los foros (cuando la mayor parte venían de cfb) para subir el precio y ahora esto… No sé que buscarán exactamente. Teniendo en cuenta que entre los inversores está repartido sólo un 5% entre unas 200 cuentas, más o menos, es raro que busque recaudar para un gran inversor. ¿qué va a conseguir 1000, 2000 jinn en el mejor de los casos? Yo creo que un inversor fuerte entraría por más del 0.5% en la fase en la que estamos…
Aunque tampoco entendería que quisieran que se empezase a especular con todo, después de las quejas de triangle respecto a ese tema…veremos!

Igual la explicación más plausible es que CfB es un troll de mucho cuidado, como ya ha demostrado innumerables veces, ya desde los tiempos en que era dev de Nxt. Le encanta tomarle el pelo a la gente. En este caso en concreto, quizás esta es su forma de decir que Jinn está a punto de lanzar novedades…

Ayer @Triangle confirmó que van a vender participaciones de Jinn a venture capitals (VC)… Según a qué valuación entren podría haber un bonito rally en la cotización, más aún teniendo en cuenta los pocos jinns que hay en circulación… Eso sí, mientras sólo cotice en el AE de nxt veo difícil que entre mucho volumen, lamentablemente…

2 Me gusta

Como veis el desarrollo de Jinn. No hay nada de movimiento, parece muerto. Resucitará en algún momento?

En el hilo de iota comenté, que pronto debería haber un update de jinn, quizas con el de iota de mañana, o poco despues.
Algo sabremos, otra cosa es que no se mojen y sigan siendo ambiguous.

Se aclara el futuro de Jinn, parece ser que dejará de cotizar en el AE y se va a regularizar su situación, ¿tal vez saliendo incluso a bolsa?

1 me gusta

:neutral_face: Lo único problemático que le veo al asunto, es cuánto tiempo se pasaría hasta tener la opción de venta de cualquier forma jurídica que inventen… Mis tokens los vendo instantáneamente… No sé si es el momento del take profit o llegar hasta al final :sob:

Si has llegado hasta aquí puedes asegurar y lo demás freeride :+1:

En mi opinión van a sacar Jinn a bolsa (Nasdaq europeo tal vez?), y seguramente con otro nombre que englobe también la parte B2B de Iota. Controlando el 95% de la moneda, tampoco me extrañaría que vendan una parte a alguna empresa potente que les pueda ayudar con el desarrollo, producción y comercialización de los chips.

Es todo especulación mía eh? Ya veremos…