[MAIDSAFE] Hilo General

Muestra del registro log al correr el vault:

INFO 14:40:54.245866239 [safe_vault safe_vault.rs:96]

Running safe_vault v0.8.1

DEBUG 14:40:55.360645463 [crust::service service.rs:107] Network name: Some(“test_network”)
WARN 14:40:56.654390243 [crust::connection connection.rs:173] TCP direct connect failed: Connection refused (os error 111)
WARN 14:40:56.654145222 [crust::bootstrap bootstrap.rs:119] Error connecting to bootstrap peer: Connection refused (os error 111)
DEBUG 14:40:57.481603918 [crust::connection connection.rs:610] Stats - 0 connections to 0 peers - direct: 0, punched: 0
DEBUG 14:40:57.485113728 [crust::service service.rs:264] Could not start service discovery
INFO 14:40:58.677773527 [routing::core core.rs:1211] Running listener.
DEBUG 14:40:58.627795145 [routing::core core.rs:541] Received BootstrapConnect from PeerId(9c48…).
DEBUG 14:40:58.677305067 [routing::core core.rs:1246] Disconnected(c641…) - Sending ClientIdentify to PeerId(9c48…).
DEBUG 14:40:58.679782392 [routing::core core.rs:1184] Bootstrapping(PeerId(9c48…), 0)(c641…) Finished bootstrapping.
DEBUG 14:40:59.126843735 [routing::core core.rs:1448] Client(c641…) - State changed to client, quorum size: 5.
INFO 14:40:59.116635188 [routing::core core.rs:1777] Sending GetNetworkName request with: PublicId(name: c641…). This can take a while.

A mí el vault parece que me están funcionando bien.

Con el SAFE Launcher no consigo ni registrarme en la red.

Edit: Arreglado

Se completó la TEST3…


Updated: 20th May 13:30 BST - TEST 3 now complete.

TEST 3 is now complete and the network is being brought down - big thank you to everyone who took part :sunglasses:.
6 Me gusta

A simple vista, nada nuevo…


1 me gusta

Un operativo programado sobre RUST


Parece que es un lenguaje orientado a la seguridad y creo haber leido que Maidsafe se ha reprogramado en RUST.

Vamos a tener operativo y red totalmente orientado pensando en la seguridad…

2 Me gusta

A ver si es verdad

1 me gusta


Parece que para finales de semana podría estar lista la testnet 4.

1 me gusta


Leed atentamente, parece ser que van a darle uso a esos 24M de maids que se crearon accidentalmente…

2 Me gusta

4 posts fueron trasladados al siguiente tema: MaidSafe busca nueva financiación con monedas creadas por error

He creado hilo propio para el tema en cuestión.

1 me gusta

a tomar por culo, me quito las maid que tenía hasta que esto coja color…

1 me gusta

Esas coins deberían estar ya quemadas.

1 me gusta

Buenas patadas en la boca a Irvine. En fin, hasta aquí ha llegado el scam este en mi opinión.

La linea de crédito abierta por Irvine es, de lejos, la caja de pandora.

El tiempo pondrá las cosas en su sitio
Hay que poner edito, no?
Mi comentario sólo es un comentario general que aplico cuando se dan estas disyuntivas y no va dirigido a nadie en particular.
Yo llevo leyéndoos y aprendiendo de todos 5 meses.
Un saludo a todos :wink:
Y vuelvo a editar:
Que es fud

1 me gusta


lo que hay que leer, si Benjamin no dice nada.

Tus intentos de FUD para que el precio baje son inútiles Escalicha, sorry.

4 Me gusta

Cuanto mas nos acercamos a MVP mas Fud a Maidsafe, no tengo ninguna duda de esto ni que va a seguir saliendo mas.

La búsqueda de mas financiación se utilizo para ello, se dio a entender que el precio bajaría a las profundidades del infierno, y ya se ve como de irrisoria a sido la bajada que se preconizaba.

Ahora para mas dedos en la llaga sale a la palestra el ángel guardián benjaminbollen mareando la perdiz con el concepto incorrecto de definición de grupo, nodo cercano, no soy técnico como par valorar su propuesta, pero sigo pensando que no se trata de mas Fud y pelotas fuera intentando desestabilizar o retrasar el proyecto.

Este es mi parecer.

Artículo bastante bueno sobre Maidsafe.


Aquí destaco:
if Maidsafe is able to accomplish what it originally set forth to accomplish, then the Safe Network will be an absolute gamechanger, more so than bitcoin, more so than OpenBazaar, and more so than all other alt-coins combined.


Esto no está nada mal:
the Safe network is inherently capable
of millions of transactions per second; for comparison Visa handles
about 2000 transactions per second, and bitcoin currently can handle
about 7 transactions per second. And, like I said before, due to the
peer-to-peer nature of transferring Safe coin, the more users on the
network the more transactions can be acheived.


So When Is This Thing Coming?
Ah, that’s the rub. The Safe network is still in development. The
Maidsafe development team has come a long way since initial coding
began, the history of the project is an entire article to itself. But
they have released several test-nets with increasing functionality each
time. They will continue this iterative process until finally they leave
the network running. At this point, no one, not even the developers
themselves will be able to shut the network down (because it runs on
everyone’s computer), just like no one can shut down bitcoin. Once its
running, its running. So when will this be? Predicting the future is
replete with peril, but I’d say, from following the development releases
on the official Maidsafe forum, that we can expect a full network
release sometime this year, barring any unforeseen delays. As they have
already made significant progress on the network, the end of the year is
probably a good time to look for this project’s release. Of course,
software development is notoriously hard to predict due to unforeseen
bugs, things not working quite as planned and needing tweeks to make
sure things are fair, etc… Here’s to hoping they finish ahead of
schedule, because it is past time for the little guy to back control of
his life and return privacy and sanity to the internet.

6 Me gusta

Me he emocionado “because it is past time for the little guy to back control of
his life and return privacy and sanity to the internet.”

1 me gusta


parece difícil que tengamos Testnet4 hoy.

"We are moving so quickly (the devs try to keep out of all this as they need focus) that we know only within a few hours when an update is going out and what it will contain. When it’s decided we do a bunch of test again and ready binaries and deployer stuff as well as start the new testnet and ready the dev update. It’s all very fast as we work in the open and it’s posted here as soon as we hit the release so several folks all on slack ready to press various buttons a once :slight_smile: Makes it all fun but furious.

Crust still has a couple of things to finish (nat_traversal / igd) and routing will have a major update coming with size of messages and priorities altered to better work with smaller nodes. So it’s all steam ahead there, we will see what tomorrow as ever brings though. A lot of balls in the air right now, may not be wise to rush this one."

Qué os parece ¿?

¿Podrías añadir el enlace a la fuente?

Edit: Nada, ya he dado con él: