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Introducing eDollar, the ultimate stablecoin built on Ethereum
These are the basic pointers of the design:
If EUSD is currently trading above 99 cents, then anyone can issue new EUSD by putting up 3 USD worth of ether as collateral for every 1 EUSD (300% collateral requirement).
After issuing EUSD, the issuer gets a debt that has to be covered by burning an equal amount of EUSD if they want to get their collateral back.
If the collateral/debt ratio for a position ever goes below 150% anyone can perform a "hard margin call", getting the entire collateral balance in return for covering the debt.
In practice this should never happen due to the existence of Maker (trading as MKR), the "guardian DAO". Maker has the ability to perform soft margin calls and forced covers.
a soft margin call can be done on any position with a c/d ratio below 200%, and with penalty of up to 5%. The issuer will get the remaining collateral after the value of the debt and the penalty (if any) has been subtracted from it.
a forced cover enables Maker to cover any position at the market rate as determined by the feed. This ability ensures that Maker can guarantee liquidity for users who wants to get out of eDollar.
Maker will earn income by staking with the eDollar collateral. Only a small portion of the collateral will be used for this since it gets locked up for 3 months at a time. A system will be in place to ensure that the collateral cannot be stolen by Maker, and that it only gains access to the profits from the staking.
The profits will be used to buy diversified collateral, such as gold vouchers from This diversified collateral will be used as a last resort in case the ether price crashes so fast that some positions become undercollateralized before they can be margin called (known as a black swan event).
The money will also be used to pay for price feeds from Augur, and to fund infrastructure such as the EtherEx foundation and the Ethereum Foundation, as well as be distributed to MKR holders as dividends.
Maker can upgrade its own guardian contract, and update vital parameters of the eDollar contract (such as changing the source of price feeds, or changing collateral requirements). To prevent abuse these actions have to be primed with a delay (which can be several months for extremely vital functions), so that users will be able to notice and withdraw their funds from the contract if this power is being misused.
To give users some amount of privacy, a simple coinjoin system will be avaiable soon after launch, called Shuffle. This should provide privacy equal to that of Darkcoin, but the eventual goal will be to have a zerocoin level privacy implementation that makes all eDollar transactions 100% anonymous by default.
Shapeshift will be natively integrated in the UI to allow users to seamlessly send and receive eDollar as bitcoin.
A bunch of features to make life easier for the user will be implemented in the eDollar front end, some based on bitcoin/shapeshift (shopping, debit cards) and some being curated lists of ethereum dapps that accept eDollar (gambling dapps and possibly augur and other prediction markets).
eDollar will trade against bitcoin and ether on etherex, and will also trade on a single centralized exchange where high liquidity will be ensured by Maker and the centralized market making company Cryptohedge.
other assets can be created by anyone using the same system, but be collateralized by eDollar instead in order to reduce risk (since it's easier to determine the right collateral requirements when the collateral isn't volatile). This opens up the possibility to trade any asset on the ethereum block chain. Maker will initially create and keep liquid AAPL, gold and CNY on EtherEx as a proof of concept that anything can be done as long as there's a price feed.