ACTUALIDAD Nxt, Ardor e Ignis

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Así es Rubenaco :slightly_smiling_face:, se ha alcanzado el bloque 2.870.000 (número corregido, gracias Rubén!), momento el cual se han activado esas nuevas funciones en la blockchain de Nxt.
Todos los monederos y nodos deben estar ya actualizado a la versión 1.12.1 de Nxt, como se anunció hace varios meses, porque las nuevas mejoras añadidas han obligado a un upgrade de los monederos.
Si no actualizas, te quedas en un hardfork con una versión antigua, incompatible con las nuevas versiones.

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Gracias por tus aportaciones @jose!!
Creo que te has dejado un “cerito” en el número de bloque, o hemos vuelto a 2015… :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Un abrazo!!

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Ardor mencionado en:

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Lior en Slack:

HD wallet is a common feature implemented by pretty much every modern crypto software or hardware wallet. We are closing here a big technical gap we had when compared with Bitcoin/Ethereum/Cardano and get an edge over most Nxt spin-off projects which does not have this feature to the best of my knowledge.

Power users, custodial wallets, service providers can have dozens or hundreds of accounts under their control so tracking their passphrases manually is impossible, which currently implies storing these passphrases encrypted is some password manager, or in clear text somewhere (we had several hacks just this year related to this).

The HD wallet solves this since:
You only need to remember and backup one seed from which you can derive all your addresses
You can create new account public keys without exposing the seed using a master public key

These two properties serve as building block for many useful services.
For example, a ticket seller, creating a new account for each ticket holder and providing it with a private key to claim the ticket, this private key can be recovered later from the seed, think about a standby shuffler which automatically joins every shuffling by deriving a new public key.
Add to this that the seed can be split using shamir secret sharing.

It’s a very powerful feature in my view and unlike most other implementation it is integrated into the Ardor core itself.

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Este es el primer fragmento, resulta más sencillo seguir la historia si comienza por el principio hehehe

Lior en slack:

The next release killer feature (in my view) is an HD wallet implementation which provides the ability to derive multiple accounts from a single secure seed i.e. BIP32 implementation. It is implemented in software and also integrated with the Ledger hardware wallet.

I know this is not industry first, but we are integrating it into every layer of the product including transaction signing, encryption, token generation, shuffling. I think the end result is pretty cool and a necessary step towards mainstream adoption.

We spent a lot of time on UX review this time. The result is a redesigned login page and secret creation process and a newbie friendly walk through tour for the login page and the wallet. I intend to demo it in a Webinar as early as next week, more on this later.

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Logros de la semana - 20 de abril de 2020
Más detalles en Jelurida Weekly Wins

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WEBINAR: Verificación de la integridad de software con BLOCKCHAIN
Jueves 23 de abril de 2020 a las 18h CEST


  • Presentación sobre la verificación de la integridad del software que descargamos utilizando BLOCKCHAIN.
  • Se explicará la aplicación de una child-chain permisionada sobre la red pública Ardor.
  • Turno abierto de preguntas.

Gratuito (asociados y 24 € (no asociados)

Más detalles y registro en:

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We hope you’re all doing fine and staying safe!

Although the Corona crisis is ongoing and many people are still restricted in their freedom of movement, Team Triffic has been working nonstop on improvements of the app.

As well as the visible improvements, we’ve worked hard on the back-end and we have now deployed a new version of the app.


  • For Android Users - v1.3.0
    If you don’t find the app yet in the Google store, please clear your cache first.

  • For iOS Users - v1.5.0
    Approval from Apple normally takes a couple of days, and so there is a high chance that the version of the app that you currently have installed will ‘break’. Please don’t worry, it will start working again as soon as you can download the new version. Feel free to test this new version on every aspect and give us the feedback.

Thanks in advance and happy testing!

Team Triffic

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Entrevista en vídeo a Alberto Fernandez, Software Engineer y Business Developer de Jelurida.

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