Bajar el rendimiento CPU en xmr

Hola buenas a todos.
Soy nuevo en esto de la minería y estoy probando xmr con la cpu solo por aprender algo.
Hay alguna forma de hacer que la CPU no vaya al 100%?me gustaría que fuese al 80% o así para no petar mucho el pc.

Muchas gracias a todos,espero que podáis ayudarme.(Soy bastante torpecillo jejeje).

No se que minero estas usando, pero casi todos vienen con archivo .txt en el cual indican las configuraciones del .bat… Busca alguna que reduzca la intensidad.

Perdon.Ya avise que soy torpon xD
Cual seria la linea que hay que retocar?gracias!

CPU Backend

Por defecto, el backend de la CPU se puede sintonizar en el archivo de configuración cpu.txt

Elige un valor para low_power_mode

El valor óptimo para low_power_mode depende del tamaño de caché de su CPU y del número de subprocesos.

El low_power_mode puede establecerse en un número entre 1 y 5 . Cuando se establece en un valor N mayor que 1 , este modo aumenta el rendimiento del hilo individual por N tiempos, pero también requiere al menos 2*N MB de caché por hilo. También se puede establecer en false o true . El valor false es equivalente a 1 , y true es equivalente a 2 .

Esta configuración es particularmente útil para CPU con caché muy grande. Por ejemplo, los procesadores Intel Crystal Well están equipados con 128 MB de caché L4, suficiente para ejecutar 8 hilos con un low_power_mode valor óptimo de 5 .

Empieza por 1 y vete observando

Muchas gracias por la ayuda.
No entendí mucho xD,pero me dare de golpes con el archivo de texto hasta que me salga bien. Almenos ya se que ir tocando.

Pasame una copia de tu .bat o del archivo .ini que uses para arrancar el minero, para ver si entre todos te ayudamos. Al ser criptonight da igual si tapas el monedero y demas datos, pero por si acaso tapalo o pon genericos. Un copia y pega vale


  • Thread configuration for each thread. Make sure it matches the number above.
  • low_power_mode - This mode will double the cache usage, and double the single thread performance. It will
  •              consume much less power (as less cores are working), but will max out at around 80-85% of 
  •              the maximum performance.
  • no_prefetch - Some sytems can gain up to extra 5% here, but sometimes it will have no difference or make
  •              things slower.
  • affine_to_cpu - This can be either false (no affinity), or the CPU core number. Note that on hyperthreading
  •              systems it is better to assign threads to physical cores. On Windows this usually means selecting 
  •              even or odd numbered cpu numbers. For Linux it will be usually the lower CPU numbers, so for a 4 
  •              physical core CPU you should select cpu numbers 0-3.
  • On the first run the miner will look at your system and suggest a basic configuration that will work,
  • you can try to tweak it from there to get the best performance.
  • A filled out configuration should look like this:
  • “cpu_threads_conf” :
  • [
  • { “low_power_mode” : false, “no_prefetch” : true, “affine_to_cpu” : 0 },
  • { “low_power_mode” : false, “no_prefetch” : true, “affine_to_cpu” : 1 },
  • ],
    “cpu_threads_conf” :
    { “low_power_mode” : false, “no_prefetch” : true, “affine_to_cpu” : 0 },
    { “low_power_mode” : false, “no_prefetch” : true, “affine_to_cpu” : 1 },
    { “low_power_mode” : false, “no_prefetch” : true, “affine_to_cpu” : 2 },
  • Lare pages need a properly set up OS. It can be difficult if you are not used to systems administation,
  • but the performace results are worth the trouble - you will get around 20% boost. Slow memory mode is
  • meant as a backup, you won’t get stellar results there. If you are running into trouble, especially
  • on Windows, please read the common issues in the README.
  • By default we will try to allocate large pages. This means you need to “Run As Administrator” on Windows.
  • You need to edit your system’s group policies to enable locking large pages. Here are the steps from MSDN
    1. On the Start menu, click Run. In the Open box, type gpedit.msc.
    1. On the Local Group Policy Editor console, expand Computer Configuration, and then expand Windows Settings.
    1. Expand Security Settings, and then expand Local Policies.
    1. Select the User Rights Assignment folder.
    1. The policies will be displayed in the details pane.
    1. In the pane, double-click Lock pages in memory.
    1. In the Local Security Setting – Lock pages in memory dialog box, click Add User or Group.
    1. In the Select Users, Service Accounts, or Groups dialog box, add an account that you will run the miner on
    1. Reboot for change to take effect.
  • Windows also tends to fragment memory a lot. If you are running on a system with 4-8GB of RAM you might need
  • to switch off all the auto-start applications and reboot to have a large enough chunk of contiguous memory.
  • On Linux you will need to configure large page support “sudo sysctl -w vm.nr_hugepages=128” and increase your
  • ulimit -l. To do do this you need to add following lines to /etc/security/limits.conf - “* soft memlock 262144”
  • and “* hard memlock 262144”. You can also do it Windows-style and simply run-as-root, but this is NOT
  • recommended for security reasons.
  • Memory locking means that the kernel can’t swap out the page to disk - something that is unlikey to happen on a
  • command line system that isn’t starved of memory. I haven’t observed any difference on a CLI Linux system between
  • locked and unlocked memory. If that is your setup see option “no_mlck”.


  • use_slow_memory defines our behaviour with regards to large pages. There are three possible options here:
  • always - Don’t even try to use large pages. Always use slow memory.
  • warn - We will try to use large pages, but fall back to slow memory if that fails.
  • no_mlck - This option is only relevant on Linux, where we can use large pages without locking memory.
  •       It will never use slow memory, but it won't attempt to mlock
  • never - If we fail to allocate large pages we will print an error and exit.
    “use_slow_memory” : “warn”,


  • NiceHash mode
  • nicehash_nonce - Limit the noce to 3 bytes as required by nicehash. This cuts all the safety margins, and
  •              if a block isn't found within 30 minutes then you might run into nonce collisions. Number
  •              of threads in this mode is hard-limited to 32.

“nicehash_nonce” : false,


  • Manual hardware AES override
  • Some VMs don’t report AES capability correctly. You can set this value to true to enforce hardware AES or
  • to false to force disable AES or null to let the miner decide if AES is used.
  • WARNING: setting this to true on a CPU that doesn’t support hardware AES will crash the miner.
    “aes_override” : null,


  • TLS Settings
  • If you need real security, make sure tls_secure_algo is enabled (otherwise MITM attack can downgrade encryption
  • to trivially breakable stuff like DES and MD5), and verify the server’s fingerprint through a trusted channel.
  • use_tls - This option will make us connect using Transport Layer Security.
  • tls_secure_algo - Use only secure algorithms. This will make us quit with an error if we can’t negotiate a secure algo.
  • tls_fingerprint - Server’s SHA256 fingerprint. If this string is non-empty then we will check the server’s cert against it.
    “use_tls” : false,
    “tls_secure_algo” : true,
    “tls_fingerprint” : “”,


  • pool_address - Pool address should be in the form “”. Only stratum pools are supported.
  • wallet_address - Your wallet, or pool login.
  • pool_password - Can be empty in most cases or “x”.
  • We feature pools up to 1MH/s. For a more complete list see M5M400’s pool list at
    “pool_address” : “”,
    “wallet_address” : “”,
    “pool_password” : “x”,


  • Network timeouts.
  • Because of the way this client is written it doesn’t need to constantly talk (keep-alive) to the server to make
  • sure it is there. We detect a buggy / overloaded server by the call timeout. The default values will be ok for
  • nearly all cases. If they aren’t the pool has most likely overload issues. Low call timeout values are preferable -
  • long timeouts mean that we waste hashes on potentially stale jobs. Connection report will tell you how long the
  • server usually takes to process our calls.
  • call_timeout - How long should we wait for a response from the server before we assume it is dead and drop the connection.
  • retry_time - How long should we wait before another connection attempt.
  •            Both values are in seconds.
  • giveup_limit - Limit how many times we try to reconnect to the pool. Zero means no limit. Note that stak miners
  •            don't mine while the connection is lost, so your computer's power usage goes down to idle.

“call_timeout” : 10,
“retry_time” : 10,
“giveup_limit” : 0,


  • Output control.
  • Since most people are used to miners printing all the time, that’s what we do by default too. This is suboptimal
  • really, since you cannot see errors under pages and pages of text and performance stats. Given that we have internal
  • performance monitors, there is very little reason to spew out pages of text instead of concise reports.
  • Press ‘h’ (hashrate), ‘r’ (results) or ‘c’ (connection) to print reports.
  • verbose_level - 0 - Don’t print anything.
  •             1 - Print intro, connection event, disconnect event
  •             2 - All of level 1, and new job (block) event if the difficulty is different from the last job
  •             3 - All of level 1, and new job (block) event in all cases, result submission event.
  •             4 - All of level 3, and automatic hashrate report printing 

“verbose_level” : 3,


Si tenéis algún consejo o cualquier cosa os lo agradecería,como alguna pool o cosas así,que estamos para aprender :slight_smile:Gracias!