DAO [Hilo General]

Resumen en español:

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Curiosa conversación a 5 días en el Foro DaoHub…
El AsaltadorDeDao a llegado a mesa puesta??


De todas formas, que pena da ver al ser humano cual hiena en celo en busca de las destrucción, más que de la construcción.

Todos mis respetos a todo aquel que se sienta delante de un computer con ganas de crear algo grande (ETH o DAO) y por mi parte, con la mejor de las intenciones me alegraré si de está salen fortalecidos.

Muy fácil reírse de los que están en acción… (DESDE LA BARRERA).

No seré yo el que lo haga.

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Teoria de la conspiracion. Tiene todo esto un porque? O ha sido todo casual? Algo me dice que no

Que hablen con Richiela que les puede dar un cursillo de como trinkar y parecer que no ha pasado nada.:joy:

Si, de seguro la mafia Jázara está detrás de todo esto… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Pues ya se ha pronunciado, sacándose el rabo :smile:


To the DAO and the Ethereum community,

I have carefully examined the code of The DAO and decided to participate after finding the feature where splitting is rewarded with additional ether. I have made use of this feature and have rightfully claimed 3,641,694 ether, and would like to thank the DAO for this reward. It is my understanding that the DAO code contains this feature to promote decentralization and encourage the creation of “child DAOs”.

I am disappointed by those who are characterizing the use of this intentional feature as “theft”. I am making use of this explicitly coded feature as per the smart contract terms and my law firm has advised me that my action is fully compliant with United States criminal and tort law. For reference please review the terms of the DAO:

“The terms of The DAO Creation are set forth in the smart contract code existing on the Ethereum blockchain at 0xbb9bc244d798123fde783fcc1c72d3bb8c189413. Nothing in this explanation of terms or in any other document or communication may modify or add any additional obligations or guarantees beyond those set forth in The DAO’s code. Any and all explanatory terms or descriptions are merely offered for educational purposes and do not supercede or modify the express terms of The DAO’s code set forth on the blockchain; to the extent you believe there to be any conflict or discrepancy between the descriptions offered here and the functionality of The DAO’s code at 0xbb9bc244d798123fde783fcc1c72d3bb8c189413, The DAO’s code controls and sets forth all terms of The DAO Creation.”

A soft or hard fork would amount to seizure of my legitimate and rightful ether, claimed legally through the terms of a smart contract. Such fork would permanently and irrevocably ruin all confidence in not only Ethereum but also the in the field of smart contracts and blockchain technology. Many large Ethereum holders will dump their ether, and developers, researchers, and companies will leave Ethereum. Make no mistake: any fork, soft or hard, will further damage Ethereum and destroy its reputation and appeal.

I reserve all rights to take any and all legal action against any accomplices of illegitimate theft, freezing, or seizure of my legitimate ether, and am actively working with my law firm. Those accomplices will be receiving Cease and Desist notices in the mail shortly.

I hope this event becomes an valuable learning experience for the Ethereum community and wish you all the best of luck.

Yours truly,
“The Attacker”

Message Hash (Keccak): 0xaf9e302a664122389d17ee0fa4394d0c24c33236143c1f26faed97ebbd017d0e
Signature: 0x5f91152a2382b4acfdbfe8ad3c6c8cde45f73f6147d39b072c81637fe81006061603908f692dc15a1b6ead217785cf5e07fb496708d129645f3370a28922136a32

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jaja el puto amo, qué cabrón

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Ya veremos si esto acaba en pleito legal en USA, conociendose la identidad del “attacker”. Sería el salseo del siglo :smile:

Pues si legalmente es suyo, esto marcará un antes y un después en ETH por lo menos…

Chat de los pesos pesados de ETH y los exchanges durante el inicio del hack.


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[4:21:58 AM] Philip G. Potter: fuck this coin

Philip G. Potter es de Bitfinex :joy:

[4:35:58 AM] Philip G. Potter: trust me, it will be the END OF ETH

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A ver estas semanas que pasa… pero en la conversación, sin ser entendido ni saber exactamente quien era de cada exchange y tal, algunos muy firmes con lo de que serie el fin con el rollback ese…
Y el hacker todo chulo con sus 3.600.000 eth… jajajajaja

De todas formas, creo que nadie ha confirmado aún la legitimidad del comunicado del hacker. A ver si se sabe pronto.

Antes he leído en reddit que la firma no es valida, es probable que tan solo sea un trolaso…

lol :joy:

8k satoshis y bajando

Esto ha sido una masacre muy sangrienta y decir que yo no vendí nada de lo que tengo esperando que subiera el precio.

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