Informe sobre monedas virtuales del BCE

Publicado este mismo mes de febrero. En las conclusiones dicen que:

The usage of VCS for payments remains limited for now, which implies that there is not yet a material risk for any central bank tasks, including promoting the smooth operation of payment systems. However, a major incident with VCS and a subsequent loss of trust in VCS could also undermine users’ confidence in electronic payment instruments, in e-money and/or in specific payment solutions. The ECB recognises that, besides their drawbacks and disadvantages, VCS could also have some advantages over traditional payment solutions and specifically for payments within virtual communities/closed-loop environments and for cross-border payments. As such, it is not excluded that a new or improved VCS may be more successful in future. Therefore, the Eurosystem will continue monitoring developments, notably for payments-related aspects of VCS.

VCS = Virtual Currency Scheme

No es que sean muy entusiastas con las criptos, pero al menos ya las tienen bajo su radar y reconocen que tienen propiedades superiores a otras formas de “dinero” que usamos actualmente. Poco a poco…

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