[OKX] Exchange criptomonedas

No hay take profit, tienes que poner una limitada cuando se vayan acercando objetivos. El Stop loss es una orden de tipo “Trigger” con “Close Long” (o Short), pones el precio del trigger y el order price -10$ de ese precio de trigger (o +10$ si quieres cerrar cortos)

Aqui tienes una explicacion de los diferenctes tipos de orden de OKCOIN.

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gracias emosan eres mi ejemplo a seguir en esto del trading, or cierto como vas, sigues en esto del trading? y gracias voy a leer la guia

¿Alguien sabe que pasó en OKCOIN? Deje una orden abierta y hoy al mirar en el apartado de Futuros que es donde estaba haciendolos no aparece la opción BTC FUTURES. Gracias


1 me gusta

Muchas gracias @criptofriend

Okcoin añade ETH:


OKCoin will officially enable Ethereum (ETH) deposit and withdrawal services on 22:00, May 31. ETH trading services will be officially available on 12:00, June 1.

Parece ser spot, y no futuros, ¿no?

Buenos días, cual creéis q es el mejor exchange en base a fiabilidad y menores comisiones??


OKEX will support Bitcoin forks(BCC),0 fees

管理员_小英published onOKCoin AnnouncementsAnnouncements 2017-07-23 13:52 368
Dear users,

In recent days, the proposed Bitcoin forks have become a widely followed topic. We at OKEx in our previous announcement have shared our view that our platform will focus solely on providing the best service and will grant the choice of bitcoins to the user. OKEx will provide all types of Bitcoin to users after the fork and when the network stabilizes.

The following is the market assessment of what is likely to occur during the potential Bitcoin fork period.

  1. BIP91 (SegWit2x/NYA) Currently, the majority of miners are in support of BIP91, and it is likely to become the mainstream version of Bitcoin and the successor to the current version.
  1. Bitcoin Cash (UAHF) https: //www.bitcoincash.org, otherwise known as ‘bitcoinabc’, has received the clear support of certain miners and exchanges. Further, with its dynamically adjusted mining difficulty, it is very likely to exist. However, as it appears only a minority of miners will be backing this fork, it is likely to be a new digital asset that coexists with Bitcoin.
  1. BIP148 (UASF) is proposed by SegWit supporters and is designed to cause activation in all existing SegWit capable nodes. As the activation of SegWit2x follows these standards, and as the ‘2MB’ hard fork aspect may not be until October/November, the chances of a BIP 148 hard fork is slim at this time.

BIP91 implements SegWit, optimizes the data structure of the Bitcoin blockchain, increases the network’s transaction throughput, and fixes transaction malleability. This will be an important milestone in Bitcoin’s development.

Bitcoin Cash reflects the interest of those supporting big blocks and is another technical solution to scaling Bitcoin. It has the potential to find many applications and areas for growth.

As a result, BIP91 and Bitcoin Cash are likely to co-exist. We have named the two potential blockchains BCS (BIP91) and BCC (Bitcoin Cash), and use the name BTC to represent pre-fork (old) Bitcoin.

Starting from 2017-7-23 22:00, OKEx will support both BCS and BCC trading against old BTC. In order to show our support for Bitcoin development, both BCS / BTC and BCC / BTC trading will be 0 fees. The trading product details are as follows:

1.Before the end of the fork period, BCS and BCC cannot be deposited or withdrawn directly, only traded. Users can choose to convert BCS and BCC back to old BTC. For example, 1 BTC is equal to 1 BCS and 1 BCC.

2.Before the end of the fork period, BCS and BCC can be traded against old BTC.

3.At the end of the fork period, and when the network stabilizes, OKEx will stop BCS / old BTC and BCC / old BTC trading.

4.If there is no fork, BCS and BCC will be converted to the old BTC (1 BCS + 1 BCC = 1 old BTC) after trading is stopped.

5.If the fork occurs, afterwards, BCS will take the name BTC, while the BCC name will be unchanged.

6.If you had old BTC converted to BCS and BCC, then after the fork period, BCS will directly become the post-fork (new) BTC, and you can independently deposit and withdraw new BTC and BCC.

7.If you had old BTC on OKEx and did not convert it into BCS and BCC, then after the fork has occurred, OKEx will grant you your respective new BTC and BCC.

8.After the fork period, and when the network stabilizes, OKEx will then launch BCC to new BTC spot trading.

9.This product only affects OKEx spot trading. It has no impact on OKEx futures trading.

10.BCS and BCC are two possible outcomes from the potential Bitcoin fork, and trading in each carries great risk. Users are advised to assess their own personal tolerance to such risks and should not blindly decide to trade.

11.Starting from 2017-07-31 to the end of the fork period, OKEx will halt bitcoin deposits and withdraws. In order to have a smooth trading experience, we recommend that you deposit bitcoin in advance to prevent interruptions. OKEx will resolve all technical issues as a result of the fork, and provide all types of Bitcoin to our users.



July 23, 2017

vencimiento 1 semana >6700
vencimiento 3 meses>6200

alguno sabe porqué se ha quedado parado el trimestral en 6200, mientras el semanal va como los demás índices cerca de los 6800?

Okex ha añadido futuros de ETH, ETC y BCH
y los token HSR y QTUM

Lo que debería de trabajar es las órdenes OCA…

pues sí.
también han puesto NEO y GAS

Lo que no veo aún son los gráficos de los nuevos futuros, aunque en el móvil si están.


¿Valorais okcoin como alternativa a Kraken?

un saludo

BTC a 15000$ en okcoin…y okcoin.com caído. Okex si funciona

¿Os funcionan bien las notificaciones en la aplicación para Android de OKEX?
Desde hace días noto que no van bien y en lugar de notificar al llegar a tal o cual precio, salta la notificación a cada minuto con el precio actual…
Entones es agobiante porque no avisa de lo que se quiere especificamente, si no que avisa del precio a cada minuto…

OKEX ha añadido más futuros. A día de hoy son estos, con 3 vencimientos cada uno, semanal, bisemanal y trimestral:

imágenes de los futuros de EOS y XRP

por cierto, que me acabo de dar cuenta que son gemelos. :slight_smile:

Alguno tiene verificación nivel 2 en Okex.com? Le han mareado con ella?

Como sabréis, a pesar de estar verificado en Okcoin.com . los de Okex exigen una nueva verificación.

El hacerlo es porque en el nivel 1 tienen un límite para movimientos diarios de 10000 RMB, que serían unos 1300 €, al cambio actual, 1 BTC=8700€, serían unos 0.15 BTC

Pregunto si lo ha hecho alguno y le hayan podido marear, porque me responden que hay una alerta del Departamento de Justicia USA de un tipo que tiene un apellido como el mío y yo no he estado nunca en USA.

Vaya, menos mal que están en Hong Kong, pero USA los tiene bien controlados.

En otros brokers te hacen firmar un formulario donde declaras que no tienes que pagar impuesos en USA, pero aquí no me lo han presentado y después vienen con estas gaitas.

Yo pensaba que Bittrex era problemático con las verificaciones, pero estos les ganan.

Rollback of All Futures Contracts Data
Avatar OKEx
11 minutes ago Updated
Dear valued customers,

At 5:00-6:30 on Mar 30, 2018 (Hong Kong Time), a number of users performed unusual transactions to manipulate the price of BTC quarterly futures contract, making it deviate greatly from the BTC index. Based on our team’s investigation, the user closed a huge amount of positions at market price without considering the cost, causing it to drop to an unusually low level. We will disclose the transactions details in further notice.

According to the term 6.2 of OKEx Futures Trading User Agreement:

“6.2 OKEx reserves the right to enact executive control over accounts if malicious price manipulation or any other malicious wrong doing occurs. If required, OKEx reserves the right to close accounts, limit trading, halt trading, cancel transactions, and rollback transactions to eliminate any adverse effects in the futures market.”

To protect the interests of all OKEx users, We have decided to rollback all the futures transactions (weekly, bi-weekly & quarterly) to 5:00 Mar 30, 2018 (Hong Kong Time). The rollback is expected to be completed at around 15:30 but it may finish earlier or later depending on circumstances. We will update the status in every 2 hours. Fiat and Token Trading will not be affected.

As today is the settlement date, weekly futures contracts will be delivered, while bi-weekly and quarterly will be settled after the rollback, according to the price at 5:00 Mar 30, 2018 (Hong Kong Time). Trading will be resumed after the settlement

For users who transferred funds from futures account to spot account after 5:00 Mar 30, 2018 (Hong Kong Time), all the transfers will be rollbacked as well.

OKEx always has the customers’ best interests at heart, and we are dedicated to providing the best products and technologies to protect our customers. Transactions were suspended for several hours due to the incident. Please accept our sincere apologies for the inconvenience caused.

Transaction fees of Futures Trading will be waived for 7 days starting 00:00 Apr 1, 2018 (Hong Kong Time), as a gesture of our concern for your inconvenience.


Mar 30, 2018

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