[TRADUCIENDO EN VIVO] Maidsafe Overview Extended Version

Este finde lo miro!

Me gustaría poder revisar el texto completo por si puedo corregir algún error o errata que se os pase.

A mi parte (página 5) necesitará revisión!

Supongo que @stupidcache pasara el texto completo traducido antes de ser publicado, así como el .srt.
En cuanto al .srt, también puedo ayudar con la sincronización.

1 me gusta

Salgo de la oficina y les mando lo que ya hay por privado por si quieren ir corrigiendo.

2 Me gusta

Página enviada a @stupidcache!
Siento haber tardado unos días de más, pero estas últimas semanas he estado bastante atareado.


desde luego. lo estamos corrigiendo desde el grupo de telegram para que nadie lo agarre aqui al paso y loi suba incompleto. seguire informando novedades por aqui

Os pido mil disculpas por el retraso en la traducción, pero ya está enviada a @stupidcache :grin:

solo falta esto:

Your data now exists now on the MaidSafe network, and not copied on multiple discs, saving as much as
95% of disc space worldwide.
No matter how many people have access to or share the data, the network does not need to provide any
more space, it is the classic glass that never empties, this really does look like something for nothing, and it
Show glass with tap that lets water flow from it to nourish everyone below, but the level never falls
Data, photos, songs, movies and documents would exist in perpetuity always available to anyone with the
Just think, on any device you simply enter your PIN and password and you are accessing your own
computer environment within seconds! Even if your own computer is offline or no longer exists!
Show mobile phone tablet etc,
You have just logged in to all of your emails, documents, data and resources just as if you were at home or
at your office workstation. Even if your computer was stolen or consigned to recycling long ago, everything
is still saved in MaidSafe.
And… your secure login has been achieved by a phenomenal new system called anonymous or
This is a system where you decide to join a network and the choice is 100% your’s. You
give up some unused space on your computer and that’s your payment, nothing else is required, the deal is
between you as a person and the network.
first show third party stamp the person’s ticket to internet (with ID exposed to others), then show the person
the ticket to internet (with anonymous)
You are in complete control of your own destiny and require to ask nobody for any permission. Only now can
you be secure.
Show person merging with the Internet
No third party was involved, just you, the machine and the software. And at no time was your Password
transmitted on the network in any form whatsoever.
Show the above person entering a world that looks like Eden
To the world you are completely anonymous, safe and free.

Listo muchachos. No se gasten en traducir lo azul que no hace falta, ahora hay que mejorar la traduccion.:smile:

ORIGINAL: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9gxflEDwxRydWJDTllIbGwzUWc/view?usp=sharing

TRADUCCION (completa) PARA CORREGIR: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9gxflEDwxRyam5ReXBKaFUyRlU/view?usp=sharing

2 Me gusta

¿Se ha hecho ya algún cambio?

Hola! Hay algún avance en la traducción?

Buenas! Cómo va el asunto?

@stupidcache ¿Novedades?