[Introducción] Radix (anteriormente eMunie)

Después de tanto años y parece que lo que preparan es una versión optimizada de Ethereum con smart contracts modulares al estilo de NEM. No me ha parecido que presenten ninguna caracteristica especialmente rompedora.

Por lo que he escuchado hoy no es un proyecto que me emocione demasiado:

No tengo información detallada del proyecto, explico solo la impresión que me ha dado ecuchando el AMA.

Por cierto, de la supuesta “estabilidad” de la moneda no se ha hablado. No se si se mantiene la idea…

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Mañana lanzan una preventa de tokens, parece.

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Creo que el mínimo para entrar eran 5k$,al menos eso creo que leí en un email que me enviaron.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Correcto, min $5k, y va por orden de llegada, ya queda menos señores… después de tantos años

Yo prefiero gastarme esa pasta en ETH.Cada vez me hago más maximalista.

Buenas a todos. Llevaba tiempo sin entrar por aquí. Pues si, quedan 4 horas y poco para la salida.
Tenéis otro canal de Telegram en español que cuentan cosillas aquí: https://t.me/radix_spain

Hay un fomo de la leche. A ver que pasa. Suerte!

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Tantos años para qué? Un ERC20 DEFI?

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El token erc20 tiene su función. La Main Net será POS. Radix necesita que la distribución sea entre una base de usuarios más amplia. Sino, los poseedores de la mayor parte de los tokens siempre serían los mismos porque la recompensa que recibirán los nodos iría en su mayor parte a ellos. Por otra parte, quieren entrar ya en el mundo DeFi, en los DEX, y para ello, hoy, la mejor opción es un token erc20. También porque le permitía la colaboración instantanea con otros proyectos o empresas como Cooper, Ren yo Chainlink, para luego ir construyendo juntos la evolución hacia la Main Net.
La opción de salir con un erc20 tenía muchas ventajas. Desde luego la económica es una de ellas aunque no era crucial porque cuando la tomaron acababan de recibir dinero de un de sus angel investor. Localglobe y Taavet Hinrikus.

De todas formas, el Github de Radix es público, se puede comprobar la evolución y van adelantados sobre el plan para lanzar la RPN1 (primera evolución de la red propia) para el segundo trimestre del año que viene.

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He entrado fuerte a la ICO de Radix, creo que puede ser un proyecto muy prometedor pues la mainnet saldrá en 2021 y sólo los holders de los ERC20 podrán swapear.

Gracias @trescuernos por toda tu labor en este hilo desde 2015 (casi nada) y el grupo de telegram.

Para invertir en la ICO era con un mínimo de 5k, no?

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Sí, pero 17 de noviembre saldrá en exchangers.

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A DeFi unicorn.
At first we were miners, poker players. We could even play poker with
Bitcoin. We didn’t know where this would lead us. Those of us who saved
our Bitcoin and didn’t buy too many pizzas became filthy rich, real fast.
Then Mt. Gox happened and Bitcoin died. Everything died. But it didn’t
really die. The market came back. We went 200x with Ethereum, 50x
Icon, 100x Nano/Raiblocks, 20x Holo, 30x Quant. We caught the wave
early and printed money again. We were nerds, geeks, risk takers. It
changed our lives. We kept searching, analysing, reading, chatting…
because it was fun and because we wanted more. More fun, more
money, and more of that special feeling of being part of something
groundbreaking. Then the next winter came and we had to be patient
again. Bitcoin was dead again. Crypto was dead again. But the space
didn’t die, the market didn’t die. It came back, and it came back with a
new wave of interest we had never seen before. Then we found Radix.
We read everything we could find. And we felt that special feeling again.
We have big plans.

Here’s the reason why we’re writing this: When we learned about Radix,
we learned the legend behind it. This tech has 7 years of research in it
and it’s designed with all 3 dimensions of scalability challenges in mind.
It solves Vitalik’s Scalability Trilemma in a way that is impressive.
Reading the Whitepaper is like poetry. Math poetry. Yes, Radix can do it
all: Security, Decentralization and Scalability. Massive scalability. In fact,
Radix scales linearly with demand and demonstrated >1m tps
(transactions per second) in 2019 while keeping full cross-shard
interoperability. It’s a unicorn. Built by a reclusive, perfectionist, genius
coder who said ‘No’ to a lot of money in 2017 when he decided to not do
an ICO because ‘it’s not perfect yet’. Three years later it’s 2020 and now
it’s happening. This could be the biggest thing in crypto in many years,
maybe since Bitcoin. This could be the platform of the future.

Is Radix going to become a top-3 project within 24 months? We don’t
know, this is crypto, anything and everything is possible. But boy does
Radix have superior tech. And boy is it being kept under the radar. We
know why. And it will change very soon. That special feeling is back and
we can’t wait to see what the future holds. We have some insider info we
will share with you. Fasten your seatbelts.

So what’s special about Radix? Let’s take 1 step back before we take 1
million steps forward.

User-to-User scalability.
Bitcoin was born. A genius idea. But then the blocks were full. People
realized there was a tps (transactions per second) problem. We need a
public ledger that allows millions of people to send transactions to each
other at the same time, without congestion! This ultimately led to things
like BCH and BSV.
User-to-Application scalability.
Then Ethereum was born and showed that there is more than
person-to-person transactions. Look, we can also build contracts on top
of decentralized ledgers! This led to ERC20 tokens and the 2017 bubble.
Then the congestion of the Ethereum network, CryptoKitties, showed that
there was a new problem: a User-to-Application scalability problem. We
need to build public ledgers that allow masses of people to interact with
dApps! This led to things like Polkadot, Cosmos, Solana, Avalanche, Near
and soon ETH2.

Application-to-application scalability.
Then DeFi was born. DeFi = dozens of dApps interacting with each other
creating a decentralized financial ecosystem. Lego blocks being
combined freely and in a more and more automated way to create
interesting use cases. But many decentralized platforms have a
fundamental design flaw. They use sharding to scale, while ignoring that
applications on different shards need to seamlessly communicate with
each other. The key component that separates shards from just being
independent blockchains is: communication. What’s often missing is full
cross-shard interoperability. You don’t need that for CryptoKitties.
Because it’s just many users interacting with a single dApp. But you do
need it for DeFi, where dApps on different shards are communicating.
The lego blocks need to communicate. If you want a future-proof
decentralized ledger, that is.

Imagine Compound and 1inch trying to communicate with Uniswap at
the same time. Or flash loans. Even swapping tokens on Uniswap
requires this cross-shard interoperability. Because each token is a
smart-contract. Now if these smart-contracts (tokens) live on different
shards and you process your transaction using the beacon chain in ETH2
(which will be sharded, but without full cross-shard interoperability), the
price opportunity might be gone and the route would be very different.
Yes you read that right, ETH2 kills ETH1’s main use case: DeFi.

I. User-to-User scalability: Ability for millions of user transactions to be
processed at the same time.

II. User-to-dApp scalability: Ability for millions of users to interact with
dApps at the same time.

III. dApp-to-dApp scalability: Ability for dApps to interact with each other
at scale. Scaling requires sharding. Sharding leads to dApps being
placed in different shards. All those dApps still need to seamlessly
communicate with each other. At high speed and at scale
(–>‘cross-shard interoperability/composability’).

IV. High tps. Visa is capable of 24k tps with the usual demand at 4k tps.
However, a future-proof platform requires much higher tps in order to
service cross-sector use cases, not only payments. The only way to
be future-proof is the ability to scale with demand, i.e. tps increases
with the amount of users, beyond 1m tps (–>‘linear scaling’).

V. Fast finality times. Nobody likes to wait. Slow finality/confirmation
times kill use cases. Any future-proof platform must finalize
transactions within a few seconds.

VI. High degree of decentralization (it’s easy to have high tps with a low
amount of validator nodes/masternodes like Ripple, Stellar, NEO or
EOS. The platform of the future is able to run at 1m+ tps, achieve finality within 1-2 seconds at massive decentralized scale of
10-100k+ validator nodes (–> solving the Scalability Trilemma).

VII. Mathematical proof. Many platforms, including Radix, are still in
development. That is fine, the sector is still in its early stages.
However, if your platform cannot at least provide theoretical (i.e.
mathematical) proof that the consensus algorithm will be secure at
scale in the future, then there is a problem.
Many of today’s popular platforms like Polkadot, Cosmos, Cardano, Near,
Solana and, yes, ETH2 are not future-proof. In fact many of them have
some blatant weaknesses. Why? Some take ages to finalize
transactions. Some are mathematically unproven. Some simply don’t
scale to the required tps to be future-proof. Many are too centralized.
Many are platforms born to solve the User-to-Application scalability
problem of 2017 and they didn’t foresee dApp-to-dApp communication
(DeFi). Or they are older platforms that implement sharding in order to
scale, meanwhile forgetting that those scattered dApps still need to talk
to each other seamlessly. They wanted to solve CryptoKitties. And some
of them do. But they can’t do DeFi, and everything that will come after it.
There are many reasons. We don’t care about reasons. We aim to find
Unicorns. And we did.

The Unicorn and its secrets.
Radix foresaw all dimensions required to fundamentally scale a public
ledger: User-to-User, User-to-dApp and dApp-to-dApp scaling. Seamless
cross-shard interoperability, at massive scale. 1-2 sec finality at >1m tps.
Math proofs. Highly secure. They solved the Scalability Trilemma in a
way that makes them very fit for what’s required of a future-proof
decentralized platform that scales across all 3 dimensions (User-to-User,
User-to-dApp, dApp-to-dApp) without making any significant
compromises. As such Radix is only tech that doesn’t need patches or
side wheels to do complex stuff at scale. They are still in development,
which means we are able to participate early.

Ya está en Uniswap, ha tocado los 0,5$ y ahora está estable sobre los 0,2$… nada mal teniendo en cuenta el precio ICO de 0,039$.

Mi duda es, cuando acabe el programa este de unlocking price vesting en 6 meses… entiendo que se pasará a la mainnet y entonces se desbloqueará el 100% para poder hacer el swap entonces?

La beta en pocos días…

Más le vale a boca chancla Hoskinson espabilar el cotarrito jeje. Al final se va a marcar un Lisk 2.0 :grinning:

Tic toc, Radix V2, (2022).
Tic toc, Radix V3, (2023)
Tic toc, 1.4M TPS demostrados (+ que VISA). :thinking:
Tic toc, trilema resuelto (de verdad, no de mentira). :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Tic toc, desarrollo desde 2013 (sin bocachanclear y en la sombra). :crazy_face:
Tic toc, 2023 le va a poner la carita colorada a más de un killer ETH de pastelillo. :point_right: :ok_hand:
Tic toc, no es un consejo de inversión a corto plazo.

Tic toc, tic toc, tic toc… :stuck_out_tongue:

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Hola! Hay alguna novedad? He visto en cmc que por un lado hay e-Radix y por otro Radix protocol, hay que migrar o hacer algo?
No encuentro mucha info por ahí…

El token e-Radix (erc-20) no va a desaparecer. Por otro lado, si pretendes hacer stake en la red nativa de Radix, desde Bitfinex puedes hacer el cambio fácilmente. También utilizando la opción “Instapass” e “Instabridge” (con KYC) que ha habilitado el equipo de Radix.

Recientemente se votó que liberaran todo el supply, así que el total de los tokens (12K M. y pico) están ya en el mercado. Falta la actualización por parte de Coinmarketcap y Coingecko definitiva, pero a este precio Radix ya está en el top 100.

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Se va activando esto ::

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