Maidsafe no controlo, pero en el btt recientemente se puede ver esta aportación a modo resumen:
- Factom is a real company with +/- 30 people that are all known by name (which crypto currency can say that: most of them are pretty shady)
- Factom has already real business products that solve real business problems and these products are being used more and more
- Factom got grants from US Homeland Security and Bill & Melinda Gates foundation (quite some names)
- Factom won several meaningful awards
- Factom is backed by large investors like Tim Draper and every round it raises more funds (recently 4.2 million USD)
- Factom is rolling out M2, the most important Milestone of the project
- With M2 there is support for wallets like Exodus. This will attract more buyers who don’t want to store coins on an exchange and it will take away FCT supply from exchanges. This supply is currently partly used for shortening the price, and that will partly disappear. Just look at the % of coins (compared to total supply) ETH and Monero have on Polo and compare that to FCT. The reason that % is so high for FCT is because of the lack of wallets. This problem will be solved soon.
- Factom has real clients and is expanding rapidly. Smartrac is a big one and will start using Factom in January with its product Dloc, expecting to increase the entries.
- Factom is a top 5 coin on Polo in terms of volume and lately even a top 3 coin. High volume means healthiness. It attracts large investors that want to be able to enter and exit at any time, for which high volume is required.
- The price of a FCT was at December 6th 2016 at 1.58 USD because of the panic of a hack. Before that event it traded around 2 USD. a few weeks later it was pumped to 3.40 after which it is stable now at 2.45USD. It’s completely normal that such a pump could not hold completely. But FCT did not fall back to it’s old level again and even the latest BTC pumps cannot take the price down in USD value for long. It continuously recovers if it drops with a BTC pump. This is very promising and means traders don’t want to take it lower for long. I would say that every drop to low 2 USD is currently a bargain. The market believes in Factom, but the price will rise when it’s the right moment. Until then you should not care about the swings and take your chances to accumulate when others panic.
Creo que este resumen merece la pena. En un par de semanas ponen en marcha 8 federated servers y 8 audit servers, con lo que habrían alcanzado el milestone 2 (M2), el hito más importante de su desarrollo.
A tener en cuenta: Factom se tradea principalmente en Poloniex y lo manipulan como quieren (hasta ahora), dumpeándolo cuando se conocen noticias de importancia (como la de Draper o Gates) y pumpéandolo sin razón aparente. Cuando alcancen el M2 posiblemente la situación cambie…