Jinn (computación ternaria)

Asset: Jinn
Asset ID: 3061160746493230502
Emisor: NXT-Q4N3-V2QJ-S3GT-FW4Z9
Cantidad: 1’000’000

Jinn es el gran proyecto de Cfb, una de las grandes mentes detrás de Nxt, y se rumorea que podría ser su creador anónimo.
Su objetivo es crear el primer procesador de computación ternaria. Las aplicaciones que esto tendría son inimaginables

Debido a la trascendencia que puede alcanzar, y que es un mundo ultracompetitivo, se sabe poco de este proyecto, pero ser el número 1 en capitalización de todos los assets de Nxt (ahora mismo está valorado en 4 millones de dólares) es una buena muestra de la confianza que tiene la comunidad en este proyecto.

De todas formas, pronto iremos teniendo más información y veremos sus utilidades en la práctica.
En este hilo responden preguntas y van actualizando.

La IPO se realizó mediante subasta holandesa y fue una de las mejores oportunidades que ha habido en el asset exchange. Las acciones se vendieron inicialmente a 85 nxt para todos, y ha llegado a sobrepasar los 400 nxt, con bastante liquidez habitualmente.

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Sin duda este es uno de los assets con más proyección dentro de todo el panorama, tanto de nxt como de las cryptos en general, sin duda, hay que estar atentos.

Cualquier información que tenga, la traeré por estos lares

A ver con qué nos sorprenden

Estas en esa IPO fue un epic win! La verdad es que el proyecto es tremendo, sin duda. Habrá que ver en el futuro como avanza!

Vaya compra mas gorda ha habido hace un par de dias, miedo a desplome xD

Hace 3 semanas anunciaron una actualización pronto, así que estará al caer.
Dijeron que tras ésta, las siguientes serán ya en su web y habrá info que sólo compartan con los accionistas.
Este es su último update importante, a 27 de enero:

Que mejor tema con el que inaugurar mi usuario que éste.
anteayer mismo en el foro nxt, el user “achim” https://nxtforum.org/news-and-announcements/(ann)-jinn/1040/ compra 1.000.000 de NxT en jinn.

llevo algún tiempo detrás de NXT y sé que irán consiguiendo a poca poco todos los propósitos y algún día espero poder decir que no hay peor ciego que el que no quiere ver ya que considero jinn como el proyecto de los proyectos!

si alguien quiere estar con los mejores, CFB es uno de ellos!

un saludo a todos :+1:

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Murazo de 5500 Jinn a la venta a 320, a ver que pasa. También es curioso que todas las últimas compras son del mismo vendedor, ni se ha molestado en usar otra cuenta para disimular :smiley:


Short update: yes website starts going live tomorrow, but as always it’s like priority number #141415 since it does zero for the Jinn project at the moment. As most are probably aware, the Nxt price and crypto in general has crashed since we raised our funding, so we have less than 50% of what we raised in actual resources, so we have put on ice all side projects like Aftermath.

The Jiniri Limited emulator was indeed done in November 2014 which we updated everyone about back then. The Jiniri Unlimited emulator will be made available shortly, our compiler, which is a requiremnt for Jiniri Unlimited is almost done.

Right now our 100% focus is on the hardware part as this is the alpha-omega for the Jinn project to succeed, so we cannot afford to waste time or resources on side projects. The Aftermath Alpha + Server is available still if someone wants to try it, we had a few people try it out and once we know better how we stand in terms of funds etc. we will go live with it again, but more importantly: it exist as a Proof of Concept, which was the main reason for it’s existence.

We’re working on a few other Proof of Concepts, an update will come about this later. Right now it’s all about the actual processor :slight_smile:
On this end everything is going good, we have a great team with a passion for ternary ( extremely hard to assemble in a world 2015 where ternary is a nichè curiosity ) and so far no big hiccups.

I keep getting quite a few PMs by potential investors and people wanting inside information and while we’re flattered that there’s a lot of interest surrounding Jinn, my answer is the same to everyone: investments are 100% up to you, it’s a decision you have to make based on public information.

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Mañana sale la web? por fin… a ver qué tal, espero que no sea muy cutre…

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Al final nada de web. Ha actualizado el comentario diciendo que la web saldrá esta semana…a ver si es verdad

Obviamente pasa la semana y no hay web. Lo de no hablar hasta que sepan plazos realistas no se lleva en este mundillo. Y eso que llegaron a decir que la abrían al día siguiente!

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Tras un poco de lío por los reclamos de si sacarían la web o no, hay una pequeña nueva actualización.


I am quite puzzled by the amount of complaints for the lack of a website. We do have one that is pretty much done (not the one on jinnlabs.wordpress.com) but we’re creating animated infographics that explain how the processor works differently from all other processors (ternary, async and distributed computing). The creation of said infographics was more of a challenge than expected, due to the problem of communicating high tech to a graphics artist which then has to communicate it through visuals. That is the main reason for the delay of the website.

We’ve been open about the entie process of what is going on in Jinn from day 1, we do post the relevant updates on what we’re doing and we have explained since day 1 that this is a long term project. Also take into consideration that our resources were halfed by the heavy crash late 2014. This is why we could not justify spending time or money on things like websites. Being frugal is key to succeeding. And also, like I have mentioned quite a few times: we did not WANT to go live and ‘officially public’ with our project until we were further along, otherwise it might prompt anyone with more resources than us (think EVERY single semiconductor on the face of the planet) to replicate our project, leading to a 100% loss.

Currently we’re a lot closer to a position where we’re more and more comfortable with ‘going public’ since we’re further along.

We got a new engineer on board that is working on trinary to binary conversion for USB, so that the ternary CPU can communicate with the external hardware world (which is universally binary in 2015).

Compiler is close to being done

Processor is coming along nicely

The foundation for the distributed computing is being hashed out, we hired Nxts very own mtchl (PhD in Math) to help with those formulas.

Our goal now is to make the world first modern ternary computer, we’ll do this in a Raspberry Pi fashion as the first official product, which will be followed up with a Internet-of-Things System-on-Chip for product developers.

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Quizas soy naivo pero decidio vender mis Jinn ya que cuando uno pretende construir el primero ternary computer del mundo me suena incompatible con el hecho de no tener ni una pagina Web para describir el proyecto.

Si tuvieran la web desde el minuto uno diríamos que han empezado la casa por el tejado, si la tienen cutre, es cutre, si están intentando crear una web decente según dicen y no la tienen, son unos mancos…

Prefiero que trabajan en el proyecto y cuando lo tengan medio montado construyan una web con infografías como dicen, que montar la web y luego no llegar.

No sé, será cuestión de gustos.

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Actualización en el hilo de jinn.


We decided to go back to the original goal of launching it with the compiler so the launch of website isn’t entirely arbitrary.
There are 2 reasons for this:
compiler will mark ‘the beginning’ of the Official Jinn. This is when
everyone gets access to Jinn tech and can start developing and
experimenting. We hired a new software developer for this specific
purpose yesterday to speed up the process.
Secondly it’s important
for us to build this community from day 1 to capitalize on the initial
buzz surrounding Jinn becoming accessible to the public. This is
imperative. Jinn needs a healthy community of developers and innovators
in order to succeed. So as soon as this is done (ETA ~2 weeks) everyone
that has supported Jinn and followed its development will be encouraged
to market Jinn and help generate buzz.

But again, we want to
make sure we maximize this interest, hence the lack of website. We don’t
want to have a slow launch that drain all the buzz, making our
community building effort less potent.

Yo en este caso les creo. Igual se retrasa y es un mes… pero no creo que mucho mas.
segun ha dicho cfb han ido cumpliendo plazos y no han publicado nada para no dar informacion a la competencia ni gastar el hype inicial.
Y cfb desaparecio de foros y borro su twitter el 14 de abril,para trabajar a fuego en jinn,lo que ya daba a pensar que estaban entrando en fase critica.
En un par de semanas sabremos mas,aunque sea que se confirma el retraso :smiley:

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1 a 800, pero varios incluso a 600 se han vendido. Lowest ask ya en 500!!! MOON!! :smile:

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Esperemos que esté al caer :slight_smile:


Triangle posted this on the 29. April. Two weeks are not even over yet.

Correct and as was written: Approximate.
I wont waste more energy on this though, we’re focused on creating a viable product and the website comes with the compiler which is in the finishing stages. Exact date is not possible to obtain, which anyone that has ever developed anything knows :slight_smile:

Time for an update

Back in late April we hit a stumbling block in hardware design which required us to create a new tool from scratch that supported our brand new technology.
We had to endure a few delays related to this due to the fact that the team that we outsourced this big task to not delivering on schedule. Fortunately we sort of saw this coming early on, so we hatched a plan B to prevent further delays and this worked perfectly, allowing our engineers to keep working.

We have also sent the first hardware components to the world leading experimental integrated circuit foundry for manufacturing
Now we have to wait another ~3 months until we can test the hardware components. This is a big deal as this is not theory or simulation, but the actual real hardware that we have developed! Extremely excited for the results of this testing.

Additionally, the Abra compiler is finally done! At the moment we are writing the tutorial for Abra and doing tests to prepare for the official release. In parallel we are putting the refining touches and bug fixes on Jiniri, the Jinn emulator which will allow everyone to start writing code for Jinn. We are really excited about finally being able to open Jiniri and Abra to the world so people can start experimenting with this brand new technology.

Overall the project and start-up that is Jinn is very much healthy.
We have had a few unforeseen setbacks, mainly 2 outsourced teams we had to fire as well as the crypto-crash that swallowed 50% of our funds, but with everything taken into consideration we are very proud of what we have achieved thus far. We are extremely excited about the future propects of Jinn. We are still pretty much en route for the ETA we set late 2014 for the prototype. However we naturally expect some delays will happen, as is always the case, especially with projects that are both hardware and software, but overall we are very optimistic and confident that we will succeed in all the main goals.

The best ETA we can give is early to mid August for when we can open our ecosystem to the world.

Our website and official forum will go live together with the compiler and emulator as has been the main plan for a long time now. In the meanwhile we invite everyone to start thinking about some projects that you want to try on the Jinn platform!

Stay tuned ! :slight_smile:

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